A large part of the German authorities responsible for coastal and marine areas are partners in the MDI-DE administrative agreement. They merge data and information from the subject areas of basic marine data, coastal engineering, marine environmental protection and marine nature conservation in a specialized portal to jointly fulfill national and international information obligations of the authorities.
Organizational structure
The steering group adopts the annual work program and decides on the current budget for the operation and further development of the MDI-DE. It is composed of representatives of the responsible ministries of the federal government and the coastal states.
The project management and the budget management are currently carried out by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN).
The project group determines the strategic and technical orientation of the MDI-DE in agreement with the steering group. If required, the members of the project group from the partner authorities form temporary working groups with the support of an IT service provider.
The working groups are convened by the project manager to work on specific topics and products of the MDI-DE. The focus is on merging distributed heterogeneous data sets into joint thematic services. The results of the work are recorded and published in guidelines to give information about the development, maintenance and recommendations for action. These documents are updated as needed and describe, in particular, the content and technical agreements for data harmonization and interoperability.
The following authorities are partners of MDI-DE:
Half of the annual budget is provided by the federal government and half by the coastal states and is calculated according to the BLV Combating Marine Pollution (see HavKomErVbgG SH, Annex 2, §8).
In 2001, the Federal Ministry for the Environment and the Ministries of the Environment of the Federal States concluded the agreement on cooperation in the conception and development of software for environmental information systems (VKoopUIS). Under this umbrella, projects in the field of environmental information systems are carried out jointly by partners.
MDI-DE was established in 2010 – 2013 as a network of distributed infrastructure nodes in a KFKI research and development project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). After project completion, partners from the federal government and the coastal states concluded an open-ended administrative agreement (VKoopUIS Project 49) in 2014 for the operation, maintenance and further development of the MDI-DE and agreed on future funding, organizational form and scope of services.