The BenINFOS project
The benthic information system (BenINFOS) should help experts in the “Working Group Benthos” within the framework of the Federal / State Working Group North and Baltic Sea (BLANO) with the task of implementing the requirements of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56 / EU, MSFD) for assessing the status of the seabed fauna. This mainly concerns:
- Aggregate and consolidate benthic data from decentralized structures and provide this in a standardized BenINFOS data model – Calculation of the index values required for valuation (M-AMBI, BQI) and transparent presentation of the calculation levels
- Implement the calculation of two indices (M-AMBI and BQI) that allow to assess the state of the benthic ecosystem
- Export the calculated indices together with all log files and source data, to ensure full transparency and repeatability
- Provide further data integration options for additional stakeholders and processes
- Make the resulting uniform assessment accessible by means of an online application (BenINFOS specialist application) and through download and view services
The BenINFOS Application
The BenINFOS application provides a simple, intuitive framework to integrate data sets and to configure index calculations processes.
The platform also allows to visualise and download the results of such processes.
Web client
The BenINFOS app can be accessed using a standard web browser.
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